AlterID Assess

The first ever automated measurement tool to quantify your privacy and re-identification risks and bias.


Automatically measure your privacy risks and speed-up the approval of data projects


AlterID makes automated privacy assessment possible.

Measure and control your privacy risks.

Approve data projects faster

AlterID Assess helps you adapt your de-identification measures and achieve the optimal privacy-utility trade-off to deliver safe-to-use data faster to your data consumers.

Simplify privacy assessments

AlterID Assess provides a comprehensive automated measurement to accurately and quantitatively assess the privacy-utility usefulness of data sets where various de-identification strategies have been applied.


Key Capabilities

Multi-Level Reporting

Whatever your de-identification approach, AterID Assess will provide you with detailed reporting on privacy risks, utility loss and bias in your datasets.

Support for multiple data sources

AlterID Assess supports Tabular data and Relational DBs enabling seamless integration with external data sources.

On prem or in your trusted cloud infrastructure

Seamlessly deploy AlterID Assess through container based virtual machines in your own infrastructure (docker, docker swarm or kubernetes).

Flexible whatever your de-identification approach

Adapt your de-identification techniques to maximize utility for your specific business use-case.


“When it comes to privacy, you can't effectively manage what you don't measure. AlterID Assess helps you do just that.”

Amine MELOUK, CEO - AlterID

AlterID Assess FAQs

What is AlterID Assess?

AlterID Assess is a software that allows safe measurement of personal data re-identification risks, utility, and bias, helping compliance with applicable privacy regulations.

How does AlterID Assess work?

AlterID Assess is deployed within the technical environment of its clients.

Are the data visible to AlterID?

No, never. The data remains with the client own infrastructure, and nothing is ever shared with AlterID.

What type of data does AlterID support?

Currently, AlterID can process structured data from any Tabular or Relational database.

Got 30 minutes?

See AlterID in action in a short demo, and unlock the true potential of your data
with automated data privacy management.